Brett Slaski

Sell me on [save me from] migrating to TypeScript

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Tuesday, February 15, 2022 - 3:00 PM UTC, for 0.5 hour.

Open Space


We at THAT have a lot of JavaScript, I mean A LOT. I have been considering migrating many of our projects over to TypeScript and I would like to hear your experiences working with it, **good and bad**. A few things I wonder about We use Babel as precompiler is changing it for TypeScript difficult. How well does it handle having both .ts and .js files in a project. Does this cause weird edge cases? How about testing? How much different are the unit tests and how much effort is it updating them? I am sure there is a whole list of things I haven't considered; stop by and let me know what they are and let me know, "I should have been on TS all along", or "run away, run away quickly" 😃

Take Aways

  • Get closer to determining if TypeScript is right for us
favorited by:
Adam Tegen Kyle Kurtz