I Passed the Azure Fundamentals (AZ900) Exam!!! Here's Some Tips So You Can Too!
Recently I studied a lot for the Azure Fundamentals exam and passed! I'd like to help anyone else out who is thinking of taking this exam. The Azure Fundamentals exam also known as the AZ900 is the starting exam and certificate that is a prerequisite for other Azure certificates. A course that runs through everything you'd need to know to pass the exam would take 8 hours or more, so with the hour that I have I'll give a high level overview of what topics are on the exam, how to sign up for the exam, and give resources for preparing for the exam. Depending on the interest at this session we might go over the outline provided by Microsoft without going into any details, but we might also dive into any requested topics. I'll be showing some free practice exam questions so you can get an idea of how the questions are formatted and scored.
Take Aways
- Knowing how to sign up for the Azure Fundamentals exam
- Knowing how many questions, the scoring system, and what type of questions will be asked
- Knowing where to look to prepare further